Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy my photos

I have set up this blog to show my photographs from the Kerry County region, one of the most beautiful areas of Ireland. The slideshow below is showing a randomised selection of some of my photos. Click on any photos to open the slide show in Picasa, where it can be viewed in a larger format!

Monday 25 April 2011

Killarney National Park, Easter Monday Walk to Dinis Cottage. The following photos show the beautiful wooded walk and lakeside scenery.

First photo of the walk, you have to occasionally deviate from the main path to find these small beaches.

Muckross Lake, Double click any photo for a full screen view.

A view across the lake from a beach area. 

The views through the trees of Muckross lake are stunning 

The trees are very old, and many form some stunning shapes.

The occasional beautiful Rhododendron flower, makes for a good photo.

The walk road is tarmacked, but no vehicles are allowed. 

The trees form beautiful shapes wherever you look! 

From my wild flowers book, this looks like 'Spring Gentian' its so beautiful.

Bricin Bridge in the far distance. Click photo twice for a closer view!

Taken from 'Old Wier Bridge'  next to the cottage.

Dinis Cottage Caffe

Boat trips are available from the pier at the cottage, around the lake and to Bricin Bridge.

All boats are equipped with life jackets that must be worn.

Azalea, this and the following flower photos were all taken at Dinis cottage, its beautiful!! go see it.

'Old Weir Bridge' from Dinis Cottage.

Just up river from here is the meeting of the waters where water from the upper lake enter into Lough Lein & Muckross lakes.

View from 'Old Weir Bridge'

Old Weir Bridge towards Dinis Cottage.

Old Weir Bridge, built in the 17th century.

The next 4 photos are of Bluebells, spotted in a small wooded area on the road home, I just had to stop.

Pentax K10d 18-55mm & 50-200mm Macro shots with +10lens added, other shots with polariser fitted.

The walk from the car park to Dinis Cottage is 1.5miles and takes 35-40mins when strolling. The walk starts from a car park on the R/hand side of the N71, approx 1/2 mile past Torc Waterfall, heading in the direction of Ladies View.  At the cottage you can purchase food and drink, and small boats leave from the pier for trips around the lake, and to see Bricin bridge at close quarters. This is a beautiful walk for visitors on a nice day. Our visitors this weekend wanted to do their own thing, so missed a good walk.

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