Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy my photos

I have set up this blog to show my photographs from the Kerry County region, one of the most beautiful areas of Ireland. The slideshow below is showing a randomised selection of some of my photos. Click on any photos to open the slide show in Picasa, where it can be viewed in a larger format!

Monday 18 April 2011

Dog Walk 18-04-11 Dooks Mountain & My Garden.(Double click any photo for more detail!).

Apple blossom from my garden 

Lake on Dooks Bog

Evergreen, for detail practice.

'Plantain' even weeds can be beautiful!

Leaf detail.

Another beautiful weed, 'The Dandelion seed head'

More weeds, The 'Dandelion'

More Plantain.

The wild Violet with morning dew.

A spiders funnel web, with early morning dew on it.

More leaf detail.

Old Gorse with tangled grasses, blown by the wind.

Leaf detail again.

More spiders webs.

More spiders webs.

More spiders webs.

Apple Blossom from my garden.

Another Violet, Dooks mountain

An old log, Dooks mountain.

A broken tree stump, road side, Dooks mountain.


Sunshine & morning dew, making the Dandelion seed head sparkle.(Double click for more detail).

Donkeys and pony at play, Dooks Mountain.

Get off my back!!!

Thats better, now behave!!

I'm tired out, need to rest in the sun.

Apple blossom from my garden.

Pentax K10d 55-300mm macro zoom.

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